COVID-19 Studio Guideline
AYF COVID-19 Safety Plan
Unsure what to expect? This information will get you up to speed with what you need to know…
Your health and wellbeing is our number one priority. To support the health and comfort of our community please observe the below policy:
Our AYF studio Safe Plan is printed and on display in the studio.
All AYF teachers have completed COVID-19 Infection training and COVID-19 Marshal Training with certificates.
The teacher on duty is the studio Covid Marshal and will be recognisable and visible in order to be immediately identifiable by other teachers/students, SA Police and the public.
Hand wash signs are placed at all sink basins and hand sanitizers are available in all rooms.
Online classes are available for those not ready to come back to the studio.
These classes are marked with an asterix on Mindbody. Please refer to ONLINE FAQs HERE
Class timetable starting times have changed to allow minimum 30 minutes between classes instead of back to back classes to allow time for people to leave a room.
Studio surfaces will be cleaned between classes.
Upon Arrival / During Class:
Masks MUST be worn upon entry / in reception and bathrooms. Masks can be taken off once on the mat for the class.
Please remove shoes immediately upon arrival and sanitise hands.
Please sign in using the QR app or sign name on manual sign in sheet located on reception desk.
No touch policy has been implemented in teaching classes. Only verbal cues are to be used.
Members are to place mats over designated spacing marks.
Members to use own mats. Hire mats and props are no longer available.
Cleaning wipes are available to clean your mat after class.
Member Responsibilities:
Members asked to stay at home and not enter the studio if unwell or have symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath, change in taste or smell, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache or body aches). If anyone in your immediate family/ household presents with the above symptoms and is required to have a COVID test then please refrain from attending studio classes, or until they have received a negative test result..
All students are required upon arrival to scan the QR code or fill in the manual sign in sheet at reception
New and returning (since 2020) members and will be asked as part of a health check if they have had recent or have COVID-19 or symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath, change in taste or smell, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache or body aches), have travelled interstate or been in contact with someone with Covid19. They will be required to complete a separate COVID contact form.
You are in your right not to answer the questions however we have a duty of care to uphold and are in our rights to refuse entry to class if required.
Please ensure your contact details up to date in our system. Please advise the teacher upon arrival if there have been any changes.
Members are asked to abide by social distance laws 1.5m between other members and the AYF teachers.
Members must bring a their own mat and props. No bags or phone allowed in the studio room. Personal belongings can be left in the locked reception but we recommend to bring the bare essentials.
Please place the front of your mat along the designated tape marked on the studio floor. This gives each student 7sqm of space around them.
Please remember to smile at others, live with kindness, we are in this together.
In the event there is a reported COVID-19 positive case in the studio the relative authorities will be contacted and the members who had potential contact will be notified. The studio will be disinfected to ensure it is safe to resume classes.